Dr. Rer Oec Vs. DBA
Program selection
Posted by Rsin on 04/09/20 3:57pm
Hi there,
I am currently looking forward to pursue an “executive doctorate” while working. I have a master degree from Germany and work in Germany. The main concern is acceptance of DBAs here in Germany as a doctorate degree, and therefore usage of “Dr” Title in Germany. Also, after completing an executive doctorate the goal is to pursue academic career as visiting faculty or associate prof. here.
I did some research on DBA-Compass as well as on internet and not very much sure whether „Dr rer Oec“ from German-Uni or a „DBA“ from English universities, would be a better option for me?
Could you please put forth your opinion and expert advice?
Thanks and warm regards,Posted by thomas.graf on 04/10/20 10:20am
if you have this option and want to pursue an academic career in Germany, I would go for the German "Dr.".
If you still want to apply for a British DBA, I would go for a British H+ university according to anabin - the info portal for the acceptance of non-German degrees.
Best regards,
ThomasThomas Graf
Founder of the DBA CompassPosted by Rsin on 04/15/20 8:32pm
Thank you very much, Thomas.
I have been checking with German universities regarding external doctoral studies (Dr. ret. Oec.) and at the same time exploring other options too.Here, I did research on other DBA/Part-time PhD programs and found few other Institutes.
They are as below:- Steinbeis (in co-operation with Edinburg),
- FHDW Paderborn (in co-operation with Edinburg),
- FHM Cologne- , IHP Munich- , & Munich Business (all 3 with Gloucestershire, UK),
- IFM Salzburg (Uni Brünn), ISB Reutlingen (with Portsmouth) &
- Vlerick DBA/PhD with KU Leuven/Uni-Ghent & some French/swiss DBAs wíthout any assurance of 'Dr.' title for Germany as they are executive DBAs from PBS, PSL and so on..
Could you please suggest what would be the best option here w.r.t.
- Recognition of such programs from above mentioned institutes in Germany and
- also the usage of 'Dr-' title for labour market in Germany.
Goal is to pursue a DBA/PhD, which shall allow me:
a). to continue my full-time job,
b). taking up visiting faculty roles, later &
c). to carry on parallel research-work/publication in my current role of management consultant along with
d- to use 'Dr.' title for German market.thanks for your time and support.
Best Regards,
Posted by thomas.graf on 04/16/20 10:03am
thank you for the information. I don't give recommendations on which school to select. I only provide recommendations on how to select schools in general. In fact, I provide three selection criteria: accreditation, research quality, and reputation. I leave it to the DBA candidate to analyze the programs according to these criteria and beyond.
Best wishes,
ThomasFounder DBA Compass
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