University of South Wales

Doctorate in Business Administration

This doctoral business programme combines the formal, staged approach to learning with the independent intellectual rigour of more conventional doctorates.

The DBA is the next generation of postgraduate education for the Business School at the University of South Wales. The Doctor of Business Administration programme builds on the excellent reputation of the MBA programme by combining the formal, staged approach to learning of taught postgraduate degrees, with the independent intellectual rigour of more conventional doctorates.

The attractions of the DBA programme for busy managers are two-fold. Firstly, the regular intensive study weekends enable students at the outset of the course to budget their time successfully, and to focus their research effectively. Secondly, the DBA provides a mutually supportive network of like-minded students working through to their doctorate. It is the strength of these networks that is likely to ensure that a large proportion of students continue on to the successful completion of a DBA.

The delivery is described as ‘taught’ but at DBA level the delivery is much more about a process of engagement between the academic staff and the students. The programme is delivered over five taught workshops, attendance at which is compulsory.

The workshops will typically span a weekend to minimise disruption for students. These are supplemented by additional update days where students are recalled for meetings with supervisors and additional input where necessary. The taught workshops are spaced over approximately 30 months, with production of the final assessment document in the months following the final workshop.

Each module results in the production of an assessed piece of work, the length of which varies depending on the module. For example, the assessment for module one will be in the region of 8,000 words, whereas that for module two may be as much as 20,000 words to reflect the depth of enquiry demanded by that module. In total, you will typically produce some 80,000 words throughout the programme. This is comparable with other methods of doctoral study.

Teaching ModePart-Time
Tuition Fees

The Welsh Government’s Academi Wales can offer financial subsidies to ambitious public service managers and leaders in Wales, who want to build on their already extensive and individual achievements by studying a DBA. For more information about these subsidies contact Professor Catherine Farrell by e-mail:

Length3 to 4 years
Application Deadline

If there are spaces available, you can apply up to the start of the DBA course. If you are applying for funding you will need to meet any required deadlines which may be well in advance the start of your studies.

Application Procedure

Entry requirements are MBA or a Masters Degree in the Social Sciences plus significant management experience plus access to one or more organisations for the purpose of conducting research.