In November 2018, we found 284 professional doctorates in management such as the DBA worldwide - 246 of them offered in a part-time teaching mode. In the following, we provide a quick overview on the most important statistics for DBA programs. For more details, please read our Global DBA Survey.
Rapid changes in the DBA market
New programs are launched, old ones are cancelled. Sometimes, websites are offline while the programs still run. And sometimes, programs are just in a process of transition and change.
Degrees granted for professional doctorates in management
- 88 percent grant a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
- 5 percent grant a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- 7 percent grant a Doctor in another business discipline or just with a different wording - for example, a Doctor of Management or a Doctor of Organizational Change
Regional distribution
- 35 percent of the professional doctorates in management worldwide are offered in North America
- 39 percent are offered in Europe
- 21 percent are offered in Asia/Pacific
- 5 percent are offered in Africa
- 1 percent are offered in Latin America
Program length of doctorates in busines administration
- 55 percent of the programs can be studied in less than 3 years; in reality, the students may take longer - but the respective institutions say at least that the programs are designed such that the degree can be achieved in less than 4 years
- 34 percent of the programs take 4 years
- 11 percent take more than 4 years