In simple terms, ISM DBA made me think better, think smarter, and work harder.

Merit Al Sayed, Egypt
Institution:ISM - International School of Management
Program:Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Degree:current DBA student

What did you do before this Doctor of Business Administration?

Before engaging with ISM DBA program , I completed my MBA at one of the top business schools in the UK. I am also working in one of the largest banks in Egypt as a Strategic Projects Implementation Manager.

Why did you decide to do this DBA?

ISM offered an unrivaled fit to my career goals, needs, study and work schedule. In the first stages of the program, I was required to conduct a professional assessment on one of the contemporary Fortune 500 corporations and asses its strategies throughout its life cycle. The task was very challenging and it was clear to me that the school had stringent measures in measuring its students. Additionally, almost 42% of all DBA programs in the world are offered in Europe, followed by the US (28%). ISM is based in Paris, one of the foremost knowledge and enlightenment capitals in the world. Furthermore, ISM is an accredited school. None of the peer European groups responded professionally and in timely manner to accommodate my needs and requirements as a professional working and based abroad.

Why did you choose the ISM International School of Management?

ISM is truly a global executive school. It is centered in the city of science, innovation and knowledge. It is quiet rare to find a reputable school that offers Part Time/ Split Site DBA programs that helps executives maintain a healthy balance between research and work. It partners with business schools in the world's fastest expanding markets to offer its students the latest and an unmatched exposure to a variety of cultures during the time of the study.

What did you experience during the program?

Broadly speaking, a typical DBA has a dual purpose. One is to contribute to theory and practice in relation to business and management. Second is to develop professional practice and to contribute to professional acumen. The ISM DBA experience was one of the best decisions I have taken in my life.

In terms of academic research and ethics, there are highly respected regulations on the authenticity of research and rigor and all research papers are subject to a quality approval process. Moreover, ISM has taught me how to do research on a given managerial or business related topic and how to write a research proposal . The culprit of this was the excellent faculty- professors who have solid acumen of their designated fields, and blend managerial experience and academia. ISM is tailored for executives, who study alongside their jobs. Additionally, ISM offers the blend of both stages: a practical stage with courses and workshops focusing on research methodologies and foundational knowledge in the fields; and a second stage where students work closely with a supervisor to advance their research project and develop their thesis. An exposure like this was key in my choice for ISM to embark on advanced studies in the field of management. Third and equally important, ISM is a truly global platform. In one class I had colleagues of 30 different nationalities, a great way to exchange insights, best practices, theories and latest news in their work places, economies and evolving trends in the world. Most importantly, it’s a great place to network.

How did you benefit from the program?

In simple terms, ISM DBA made me think better, think smarter, and work harder.

Would you recommend this program to others?


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