Georgia State University (GSU), Robinson

Executive Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


This six-semester program is designed to teach students to be better problem-solvers, by learning and applying rigorous research methods, and more effective business leaders through active networking and coursework.

To produce better problem-solvers, in the first semester students engage in coursework focusing on the philosophy of research, qualitative research methods, and an online refresher course in statistics, to prepare students for their quantitative method course. In the second semester, students begin their first quantitative research methods course, finalize their instruction in qualitative research methods, and begin a group research project consisting of two to three persons under the supervision of a senior researcher. The research topic for this project is determined by the group and their advisor and may address any contemporary business issue. In the third semester, students finish their quantitative research methods instruction and complete their group research project with the objective of publishing the results. During the fourth, fifth and sixth semesters, each student produces and defends a doctoral thesis, also with the objective of publication.

To create more effective business leaders, throughout the six semesters students participate in courses on leadership, decision-making, managing organizations, digital transformation, business topics & theory, and evidence-based management. Networking opportunities are also created through social gatherings, lunch and learn sessions, and helpful workshops on various topics.


Executive, part-time format: 3 years.
Classes: One, on-campus, 3-day residency, per month in the fall and spring semesters.

Teaching ModePart-Time
Tuition Fees

In-state: $112,500
Out-of-state: $117,500

BeginAugust (Fall Semester)
Length3 Years
Application Deadline

Rolling admissions.

Application Procedure

The application components are an application form, resume, 3 essay responses, transcripts for previously attended institutions, proof of lawful presence (if required), a $100 application processing fee, an in-person interview with the DBA Directors, and if accepted, a $2000 seat deposit that is applied to first semester’s tuition.

Applications are reviewed by a selection committee comprising faculty and the directors of the Doctor of Business Administration program.

Potential candidates will be short-listed based on criteria that include:

  • Managerial experience in senior positions
  • Capacity for conducting applied scholarship
  • Compatibility of professional goals with the objectives of the Doctor of Business Administration program
  • Motivation and commitment
  • Master’s degree and previous coursework