It was more challenging than I imagined.

George Madine, United Kingdom
Institution:University of Bradford School of Management
Program:Doctor of Business Administration

What did you do before this DBA?

My initial career was in the NHS, where I started in the laboratories before moving into hospital management as a Business Manager. By 30 I had moved into the private sector where I was a director and CEO of a number of SME’s. Acting as a business angel meant that I was involved with a wide variety of businesses ranging from fishing to construction.

Why did you decide to do a Doctor of Business Administration?

I originally dis an MBA in 1991 when it was unusual to have one. This qualification opened a few doors but as an MBA became the rule rather than the exception I decided to do a DBA to regain my competitive advantage.

Why did you choose this school?

I live local to Bradford but I also considered Leeds and Manchester and the environment in Heaton Mount swung the decision Bradford’s way.

What did you experience during the program?

It was more challenging than I imagined and the depth of knowledge was much greater; the step up from MBA is massive. The work was demanding but when you work with some of the (literally) brightest people in the world that is expected.

How did you benefit from the program?

I gained an enormous amount. You will, again literally, become one of the leading experts in the world in your field. That knowledge gives you a major competitive advantage.

Why would you recommend this program to others?

It is not for the faint hearted but if you have got what it takes you will not regret it. And the support staff are amazing.

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